Saturday 11 December 2010

Differences between what you do and think

I about Arnold Schwarzenegger, and how his real secret to success in its lifting be his way of thinking and political career was said on Monday. Today I would like to talk about like the same kind of win to develop thinking.

I already mentioned a few weeks when I said that changing your habits is lighter than your thinking to change. What you do on a daily basis and it is the way and way you think.

To think the overwhelming majority of the books focus on self improvement and success. Common advice is to think positive, think think wealth, pronounce confident and similar nonsense. Now I'm all about positive thinking and I, crabs and whiners hate, but I'm also a pragmatic - do I do what works.

It's like the guy who kinda shy with women and who gets the advice "just be sure". Well duh, if he knew how to be sure he would make it already. Even worse is, when the guy starts now faking it, try to be James Bond.

Most of the methods to gain confidence and success focus on them-think. But after help gain thousands of guys muscle and strength, and go a single body of a skinny fat 120 kg, (I was so weak the I even in arm wrestling, one girl lost) could do to a muscular 170 kg with a 400 kg squat, have I found it really do that is that what counts.

It's not rocket science, if drastically your physique to transform and rocket, people will notice your strength. Get compliments and gain respect. This positive feedback, combined with the courage you develop from your fears overcome every day in the gym is true confidence of comes.

The resistance fight physically in the gym and the resistance can fight in life just build a strong character.

-Arnold Schwarzenegger

In fact, have some of my strong lift members has entrusted me with that, SL5x5 used to be shy women and/or people, before you started, but, that this radical once changed started their strength, almost always very quickly to increase. Women are often heck, now shy around you!

Meanwhile gurus will tell this self-help only to house sit think confident and visualize your goals. To the guy who is too lazy to go the gym 3 X / week, which do not understand that the way works is life, that you get, what you put into it, this chatter is cocaine. And it is at least as dangerous.

Consider positive and I am a firm advocate of visualizations, but must take to get somewhere. And if you automatically take consistent action to achieve that is thinking itself. Fact is increased competence increases confidence, and it does it amazingly quickly.

I'll talk more about measures next time.

E-Mail this • get free updates • print 9 responses to "" Mannix says: December 1, 2010 at 2: 44 pm

"God helps those who first helps."

That is, what comes to mind after I to read this blog.

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